
All information on the Ray Mascaro & Co. Pty Ltd Website is provided as a service, information and or convenience to the public.

The information placed on the Website of Ray Mascaro & Co. Pty Ltd in most instances has been relied upon information received from third parties, including vendor’s & Landlord’s. Although Ray Mascaro & Co. Pty Ltd, have used their best endeavors to ensure that the information contained on the Website is correct. Ray Mascaro & Co. Pty Ltd, nor it’s employees, it’s suppliers or it’s Directors or affiliates accept any liability whatsoever (direct or indirect) for any injury, loss, claim, damage or any consequential damages, including loss of profits or savings, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the information on the Website, or of any error, omission or defect in the information contained therein.

Information contained on the Website shouldnotbe relied upon and you should make your own inquiries and seek legal advice in respect of any properties and businesses on the Website.

Prices displayed on the Website are current at the time of issue, but are subject to the vendor’s change at any time and are subject to availability.

WARNING: Information on the Ray Mascaro & CO. Pty Ltd Website must not be used for any commercial purpose without the consent of Ray Mascaro & Co. Pty Ltd.

* Some images on this website are for Demo only and not for Commercial Purpose.